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Shandong radical heart is developed and batch produces fabrics of 100% corn fibe

From;  Author:Stand originally
Limited company of science and technology of zoology of Shandong radical heart and academy of Chinese spin science, bank city China spins combination, the success is developed and batch production gives 100% corn (information, prices) fiber fabrics.

According to Chinese spin the newspaper will report on September 11, limited company of science and technology of zoology of Shandong radical heart and academy of Chinese spin science, bank city China spins combination, the success is developed and batch production gives fabrics of 100% corn fiber. According to introducing, fabrics of 100% corn fiber is having excellent dimensional stability, feel is fleeciness do not stick the skin, won't produce any stimulation to the skin, it is a kind of ideal high-grade spin fabrics. The successful development of this fabrics and batch are produced, indicate company of move radical heart studies sent a level to go up again a new chance to extricateoneself from an awkward position.

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